Smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1
Smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1

smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1
  1. #Smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1 manual
  2. #Smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1 Bluetooth

Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 14Ģ5 26 Notification panel T ouch and drag down the Status bar to open the Notification panel.(1) GPRS connected Roaming GPRS in use No SIM card inserted EDGE connected Vibrate mode EDGE in use Ringer is silenced 3G connected Battery is very low 3G in use Battery is low HSP A (3G+) connected Battery is. Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 13Ģ3 24 Status icons For dual SIM models, status icons referring to either SIM1 or SIM2 will be identified by a colour which you have defined. T ouch and drag down to open the notification panel.T ouch the Home key to switch to the Home screen. Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 12Ģ1 22 1.3 Home screen Y ou can bring all the items (applications, shortcuts, folders and widgets) you love or use most frequently to your Home screen for quick access.Y ou are advised to fully charge the batter y ( ).  When using your telephone for the first time, charge the batter y fully (appr oximately 5 hours). Make sure the batter y is correctl y inser ted before connecting the charger.Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 11ġ9 20 Connect the batter y charger to your phone and mains socket respectiv ely.Place the SIM card with the chip facing downwards and slide it into its housing. Please pow er off your phone before inser ting or removing the SIM card. Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 10ġ7 18 1.2 Getting started 1.2.1 Set-up Remo ving or installing the back cov er Inserting or remo ving the SIM card Y ou must inser t your SIM card to make phone calls.Swipe it upwards or downwards to remo ve a thumbnail from the list. T ouch and hold to open a list of thumbnail images of apps you'v e worked with recently. T ouch to ac ces s W al lpa per, Man age applications and Settings. Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 9ġ5 16 V olume up V olume down Camera Menu key.TCT Mobile shall not be held legally responsible for such differences, if any, nor for their potential consequences, which responsibility shall be.

#Smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1 manual

Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 8ġ3 14 Disclaimer There may be cer tain differ ences betw een the user manual description and the phone’ s operation, depending on the software release of your telephone or specific operator ser vices.4 0 15 X/ 4 01 5D Bl ue to o th Q D I D B 02 1 28 2 SwiftK ey is a r. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respectiv e owners. and any use of such marks by TCT Mobile Limited and its affiliates is under license.

#Smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1 Bluetooth

The Bluetooth wor d mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. LICENCES (1) microSD Logo is a trademark.Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 7.Regulatory information The following appr ovals and notices apply in specific regions as noted.Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 6.They will then be recycled, prev enting substances being disposed of in the. Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 5ħ 8 This symbol on your telephone, the batter y and the accessories means that these products must be taken to collection points at the end of their life: - Municipal waste disposal centres with specific bins for these items of equipment - Collection bins at points of sale.Do not allow your phone to be exposed to adver.

smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1

Alwa ys handle your phone with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place. When replacing the cover please note that your phone may contain substances that could create an allergic reaction.

  • Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 4ĥ 6 Do not let children use the phone and/or play with the telephone and accessories without super vision.
  • When carrying the pr oduct or using it while worn on your body, either use an approv ed accessor y such as a holster or otherwise maintain a distance of 10 mm from the body to ensure compli. The specific maximum SAR values can be found on page 8 of this user guide.
  • Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 3ģ 4 This product meets applicable national SAR limits of 2.0W/kg.
  • Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 2ġ 2 T able of Contents Safety and use.
  • Alcatel One Touch Pop C1 4015D - page 1.

  • Smart suite alcatel one touch pop c1